Ocean REFuel
Claudio Rodriguez Castillo
Research Fellow
Dr Claudio Rodriguez Castillo is Research associate at the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering of the University of Strathclyde. Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro with focus on Hydrodynamics of Ships and Offshore Floating Systems. Associate professor of the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil. Extensive experience on numerical simulations and model tests experiments for the offshore oil and gas industry in Brazil, as well as for projects on ocean renewable devices, such as the CECO wave energy converter under a European Horizon 2020 project at the University of Porto, Portugal. Since 2014, participates in the specialist committees of Ocean Engineering and Stability in Waves of the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) as well as a member of the Stability R&D Committee of the International Stability Committee (STAB Conference). Have participated in more than 10 cooperation projects on numerical and experimental assessment of dynamics of floating systems for the offshore industry mainly with Petrobras Research Centre (Brazil).
Currently, participates in several research and knowledge exchange projects at the University of Strathclyde, such as in the Ocean REfuel project where the objective is the development and assessment of offshore floating hydrogen systems powered by ocean renewable energy. His work focuses on the prediction of the hydrodynamic performance of offshore floating structures under waves, wind and currents and the interactions with mooring, risers, and other structures such as wind turbines, fish farms, ocean renewable devices, etc. uthor/co-author of more than 30 scientific articles. Have participated in more than 50 conferences, congresses, seminars, and symposia in the different domains of the hydrodynamics of ocean systems. Reviewer for 13 international scientific journals.

Research Fellow
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow